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Keeping PACE in Texas’ PACE in a Box Final Draft Released Today!

We are pleased to share that the Keeping PACE in Texas working groups have completed a major milestone today. The Dynamic Energy Management team has stongly advocated on behalf of PACE in Texas and we look forward to sharing the news with all our clients, partners and lenders.

Keeping PACE in Texas’ PACE in a Box Final Draft Released Today!

A collaboration of more than 100 stakeholders completed its work designing the final draft of the PACE in a Box. The last step in the design process is a national request for information (RFI) also released today. PACE in a Box is a best practices manual resulting from more than six months of research and thoughtful deliberations in five working groups chaired by Texas leaders Hon. Kip Averitt, John Fleming, Steve Minick, Calley Pace, Dub Taylor, and Steve Wiese.

Thanks to hundreds of hours of donated time and expertise from local government officials, businesses, and other stakeholders, this turn-key tool kit is designed to provide everything local governments need to establish and administer uniform, user-friendly, sustainable, and scalable PACE programs that will create economy and conserve local water and energy resources.

Our vision is to help counties and municipalities across Texas work together to create PACE programs administered on a regional scale, and to share PACE in a Box with communities in other states, too. To review the RFI, click here. To read the PACE in a Box final draft, click here. RFI responses are due May 15, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Join today to help implement this program in your community and throughout Texas! PACE in a Box would not be possible without these members of Keeping PACE in Texas.

Charlene Heydinger | Executive Director | 512.469.6184

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